Monday, May 31, 2010

Almost Over!

Well, I have been on partial bed rest now for 4 weeks (tomorrow). At 33 weeks I went to the doc and had an ultrasound. Elin was weighing in at 4 3/4 pounds, so I am sure she is at 5 lbs by now. I am dilated to a 2, and things seem to be staying the same. I still get the contractions, but not nearly like they were when this all began. I was told that if I should go into labor now, they wouldn't stop it. He will take me off the Nifedipine at 36 weeks. Everything seems to be going well, and I am glad I was able to hold off 4 weeks. Next Wed I can go off my meds- but Dave will be out of town that weekend so I will wait a few days more until he gets back. (He was in a bit of trouble for asking me to hold off!) What an inconvenience this has been! Oh well- it is almost over. School is now out, and I am so lucky to have Dave home for the summer. And best of all, I have found a great way to lay on my stomach out by the pool without actually getting in the water! I may be getting bigger every day, but at least I will be tan!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pyper's 7th Birthday

Pyper's 7th birthday was a hit. We had fun swimming and eating hot dogs out by the pool. Dave was gone up to Provo for the State Track Meet, so we celebrated with him Sunday. Thanks to Grandma Linda who made this darling cake, with the help of Pyper. Thanks also to Grandma Kris, Grandpa Ron, Aunt Sara, and Aunt Erica who helped so much put the party on since I was on bed rest. Happy 7 th Birthday Pyper!

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Eye mask from Aunt Sara
Silk pajamas from Grandma Ruth
Taking my "bed rest" poolside!
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Rylee's 9th Birthday

Rylee's favorite restaurant is Red Lobster. Grandpa Ron and Grandma Kris came down for Ry's birthday and took us to dinner. She got lots of clothes and swimsuits, and enjoyed her favorite meal.... CRAB!

Opening presents with Grandpa Holt and Grandma Linda
Peace sign cake
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Rylee had some friends come for her "spa" birthday party. We made body glitter and used parafin wax to make our hands soft. The girls loved it! Thanks to Mom who was down and helped me. Couldn't have done it without you! Happy Birthday Ry!

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Making body glitter

parafin wax bath for hands

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2 weeks

Well, I have made it two weeks on partial bed rest. I got the 2nd steroid shot on Thursday, May 6, and also got my meds doubled. I now take 20mg of nifedipine every 6 hours. I have been doing pretty well at home, thanks to everyone who takes Laney during the day for a few hours and brings in dinner. The contractions are still coming off and on. Nothing consistent or painful, but still there. Went back into Labor and Delivery last Tuesday with some bleeding- which was just from the loss of my mucous plug, and I am dilated to a 1. Not real far- but more than the week before. They also tested the fFN ( fetal fibronectin) again, and this time it was positive. It isn't 100% accurate that I will deliver soon, but it shows that I am at high risk for preterm delivery. They say it can happen between 1-2 weeks of a positive test result, so...we'll see! Last Wed, my mom, Sara, Erica and her kids came down. My dad came down on Friday still being sooo sick with pneumonia. They were so helpful with everything. They cleaned, organized the baby's room(which I started a painting project 2 days before all this happened) and kept me entertained. They even took care of Pyper's birthday party. (Pictures to come! ) Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks and that is good. I am sure I have a while longer. I've only gained 15 pounds so far this pregnancy and I lost 3 this last week! I hope Elin is getting bigger. She will need it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pregnancy Update

So, Monday night, May 4, I woke up after being asleep for 2 hours with really bad lower back pain, and contractions. Got up, took some Tylenol for my killer headache, went back to bed. 10 minutes later woke with it again. This went on for about 3 hours, so I knew there was something going on. Around 3 Am I called Labor and Delivery, and luckily my good friend Kamille was working. She had me talk to a nurse who told me to take a warm bath and see if that helps. I was able to sleep after that. The contractions kept coming but not nearly as strong. That morning I walked the girls to school, still feeling some pains. I called my Doctor's office and they told me to go into the hospital to get checked out. You know when something feels wrong and you think "this isn't good" then, after its gone you think maybe it wasn't so bad? Well, that's how I thought so I really didn't want to go in. Changed my mind after talking to a couple people, and went to get in my car. Dave went into work, girls were at school, and I was taking Laney to Andrea's. Go to get in the car, and the battery is totally dead. Great. Called Dave, and he came right home. On the way to the hospital my contractions were coming harder. As I got hooked up to the monitors, my contractions were coming every 2-4 minutes from about 10:30-2. They decided to keep me overnight to see if there were any changes. Although nervous, I was secretly excited to stay overnight in my favorite place! At 1, they gave me some medicine to stop the contractions. Dave had to get back to work, and since I was taken care of, he didn't need to be there. Well, the meds didn't do anything. Got another dose at 2. They checked me that night, and I haven't started to dilate, which is VERY good. Elin is too little to come now.
This went on all day, all night, and is still going. Around 2 PM , Wednesday, May 4, the nurse who checked me thought there was somewhat of a change in my cervix, but my doctor felt good about sending me home on the niphedipine and partial bed rest. They gave me the steroid shot to help with Elin's lung development, and I go back in today for the second dose. Dave came and got me, I went and took my English Final at the college testing center ( I HAD to, it was the last day- which I got an A on!) then came home after dropping Dave off at his Region Track Meet. Contractions still coming throughout the night, and a little bit this morning.
I really can't believe this is happening. I never come early with babies- Pyper was 2 weeks early- but not this. I feel really good though. My docotor did say that babies born this early have a very high survival rate, and the steroids for her lungs has proven to work well. We just have to wait and see what happens. I just have to stay down. No exercising- which I am most bummed about because I am totally addicted to Zumba (even with my big belly!) , no walking the girls to school - which I LOVE to do, and just take it easy at home. Rest a lot. Rylee and Pyper are excited to chip in and help with laundry, cleaning, and they are planning on making waffles this morning!
I am so grateful to everyone that has helped with the girls. Taking them to school, after school, Laney during the day, and thanks to Grandma Linda taking over for Laney's "pretend birthday" at preschool. I was told that Laney informed all her friends that "my mom is in the hospital and it's my birthday!" Life doesn't seem to phase little ones! I really do appreciate all the phone calls from family, friends, and neighbors. I am so lucky.
We will just see where this all ends. I am still doing the heparin injections 2x day, and now on this medication, so I am doing everything to keep this baby in me. I really do feel comforted that everything will turn out-however it is supposed to.