Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back to School!

Well, I am officially a student at Dixie State College! It has been 9 years since I have been in school, but decided it was time to go back. I have registered for an English class online, and a Library class I have to take as well. I have decided to just take a class or two each semester until I finish all the pre-reqs for Nursing. I have taken most of them, but have to redo a few since it has been so long since I have been at school. I am really excited to challenge myself and have something to do. English shouldn't be too bad, and lucky for me I have a husband who teaches English and has a Minor Degree in it! I am really excited for this step which will get me closer to my ultimate career be a Registered Nurse!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

I have the cutest Mom in the whole world , and today is her birthday! My mom is such a great woman. She is always so happy, and has such a great attitude about life. She was just diagnosed with breast cancer back in February, and had a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. She is doing amazing. She had such a positive attitude throughout the whole thing. I admire her so much. She has always done so much for me growing up, and still does for me and my family. She went back to school when I was younger to be a school teacher- and a great one she is. She does so much for those little 1st graders. She has many students requesting her for the next years to come. She is so fun to be around, and isn't she so pretty? (and skinny!) I love you so much mom. Happy Birthday!

Mom, Sara, Rylee and I at our pool lst summer 5/08
Mom and Pyper 5/08

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We had been kind of looking for a new dog since Maggie had just died, but we knew we couldn't replace ol' Mags. Laney and I would stop in at the pound now and again and this particular day we saw Molly. She was a stray picked up by the pound. She was really skinny, and very scared. I took Dave and the girls back in that night, and I don't think Dave was expecting to get a dog that day.I think he felt bad for me since Kitty had just died that morning, so... we brought Molly home with us. We named her Molly since Dave won't let me name a baby girl Molly I got to use it for a dog! It has been a pretty good year. She is a pain sometimes, but we love her anyway. She has gotten quite a bit better since last year, but there is still alot of room for improvement!

Last November cutting down Xmas trees

Molly in the snow we got last December. She LOVED it!
The first night we brought Molly home (she looks kinda like a reindeer!)
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Kitty 3/27/1956-11/4-2008

My Aunt Kitty passed away one year ago today after battling breast cancer for 5 years. Kitty amazed me. She was divorced young, and lived alone for many years.She took care of herself, her home, she went to school and got her Master's Degree in Speech Pathology and she always had a dog that she absolutely loved! She had a great house with a pool where we spent every day in the summers. Kit's birthday was the day before mine, so we always celebrated our birthdays together. As we got older, we figured out our "birthday week". We got out of doing many things as our bday weeks went on. Of course, no one else had a whole week to celebrate their birthday- just us! Kitty taught me many things; how to drive a stick shift, how to eat cantaloupe cut in half with just a spoon, how to do a round- off, how to sing "T and A" from Chorus Line , and most to make margaritas! Sara and Erica and I would get to have many sleep overs at Kit's house. They were the funnest. Little Caeser's Pizza, Margaritas, swimming in the pool late at night, and watching either Annie or Kiss Me Goodbye.
Just before I got married, Kitty and Grandma Ruth moved to New York. After being there a few years, Kitty was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She started very intense chemo and radiation. She was a fighter. She met Rob Taber right after she was diagnosed, and married a few years later. Kitty was so strong and such a fighter up until the end. She died one year ago today and there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not reminded of her in some way. I loved her so much. She was like a sister to me. I love you Kitty.

Kitty and I at a Boston Red Sox game 4/07. The year Dave ran the Boston Marathon, Kitty came from New York to spend a couple days with us, and go to the Red Sox game.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

The Halloween festivities began on Friday with class parties for all the girls, and a parade at Washington Elementary School. Then on Saturday, we went to the Ward carnival, dinner and trunk or treat. Then, of course, trick-or treating. The girls had so much fun dressing up in their Yep!- HOME MADE COSTUMES! Aren't I such a great mom? It actually was fun to make them, and even more fun that they didn't cry over them. Dave took them out around the neighborhood while I stayed home to hand out candy. Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but the kids have fun. Having it all over now just means we are getting closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

Laney the kitty- cat

Pyper the SCARY vampire
It was her idea for the hair and make-up (Notice the blood dripping down her mouth! Didn't know she had such a dark side!)

Rylee the cute pirate
(she wouldn't turn to look at me)
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Pyper and Laney at Pyp's class party on Friday.

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The girls and all their candy! They decided that they wanted to sell their candy for money (great idea from their dentist) Instead of selling it to the dentist, Dave and I bought it from them. They got $1 per pound. Pyper made $3 after keeping some of hers, and Rylee made $4 (she didn't keep ANY candy, kinda sad isn't it?) and Laney kept all her candy, shoved it in her mouth as soon as they got home from trick-or-treating! They had such a fun day.

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