Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rylee had a swim meet on September 19th at Summit. She is so fun to watch. She swam the 10& under 50 breast, 50 back and 50 free style. Then she swam 50 breast for the 200 Medley Relay. I am so proud of her. She is such a great swimmer. Good job Rylee!

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Rylee, Pyper, Laney and their friend Sarah Lusk having a "Nail Painting Sale". They actually made a few dollars painting nails for the neighborhood! It was so cute to see their selection of colors, until Laney decided to try and got nail polish all over her clothes. Oops! Probably nor more nail painting sales!

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Pyper has lost MORE teeth!Her friend talked her into pulling the bottom one out at school one day, then Dave pulled the top one out the night before picture day :) then I pulled a bottom one right before school on picture day! I love her 6 year old smile!

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Laney in front of Miss Keri's Preschool
Sept. 9, 2009

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Laney in Preschool

Laney started preschool just after Labor Day. She absoultely LOVES school. The first day she ran into Miss Keri's without even telling me good-bye! It is so fun to watch her go with her friends. I enjoy my quiet time while she is gone too!
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No Answers

So, a couple weeks ago I went to my Dr, who referred me to a Perinatologist in Maternal fetal Medicine. He ran a bunch of blood work trying to find the cause of the 18 week old miscarriage. He said there were knots in the placenta, which means something with the blood clotting. He tested for a bunch of viruses that could have caused it, and a blood disorder known as Thrombophilia, and APS (Anti- phospholipid Syndrome) . Outcome of those would be: IF I get pregnant again- 2 shots of Heparin in my stomach 2x day for 9 months. Lots of risks with thinner blood like, bed rest, premature birth (and everything that goes along with that) and stillborn. He said if everything comes back normal, just bad luck (again?) or he missed something.
So.....the conclusion. Got my blood work back last week, and everything came back normal. So, what does that mean? Nothing really, I guess. If I get brave and try again, I guess I am now considered "high risk" so more visits, but nothing to watch for. So, that's that. It is nice to not have anything wrong, but at the same time, it would be nice to know how to prevent something bad from happening again. We'll see.